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At FLOWI, we prioritize Quality, Health, Safety, Security, and Environment (QHSSE) in every aspect of our operations at all Flowi managed Facilities. Our commitment is rooted in the understanding that the responsible management of resources is fundamental to the well-being of our employees, the surrounding community, and the environment.

Quality (Q)

We adhere to stringent quality standards to ensure that our terminal meets and exceeds industry specifications. Rigorous testing, monitoring, and adherence to best practices are integral to maintaining the highest levels of quality.

Health (H)

The health and well-being of our employees are of paramount importance. We invest in comprehensive health and safety programs, training initiatives, and state-of-the-art facilities to provide a safe and secure working environment. Our commitment extends to the physical and mental well-being of each member of our team.

Safety (S)

Safety is at the core of our operations. We employ robust safety protocols, cutting-edge technology, and continuous training to prevent accidents, minimize risks, and ensure the well-being of our workforce. Our goal is to create an environment where every employee goes home safely every day.

Security (S)

Recognizing the critical nature of infrastructure, we prioritize security to safeguard against unauthorized access, vandalism, and potential threats. Our security measures include advanced surveillance systems, access control, and a dedicated security team to ensure the protection of our assets.

Environment (E)

Environmental stewardship is a key pillar of our corporate responsibility. We are committed to minimizing our environmental footprint through the implementation of sustainable practices, spill prevention measures, and constant monitoring. Our aim is to operate in harmony with the environment, preserving its integrity for future generations.

At FLOWI, QHSSE is not just a set of standards; it’s a commitment to excellence and responsibility. We continuously strive to improve our processes, uphold the highest ethical standards, and contribute positively to the communities in which we operate.